Knowledge Base

Safe Capital Knowledge Base
PDF Factsheet: Purchase Codes for Property Related Payments
From 1st May 2025 law firms will need to include a Purpose Code for some property related CHAPS payments.
PDF Whitepaper: Don't Bank on Names Alone (Corporate)
Fake Bank Accounts and the threat to Client Money for Corporate Transactions
PDF Whitepaper: When a Match may be Misleading
Exploring the benefits and risks of bank account name checks (Confirmation of Payee) in conveyancing matters
PDF Whitepaper: Don't Bank on Names Alone (Law Firms)
Fake Bank Accounts and the threat to Client Money for Law Firms
PDF Whitepaper: Don't Bank on Names Alone (Conveyancing)
Fake Bank Accounts and the threat to Client Money for Conveyancing Firms
ARTICLE Coming Soon ISO20022: New requirements for property related payments
We are on the verge of a once in a generation improvement to the way money is moved on a global scale.
PDF White Paper: Open Banking for AML and Fraud Prevention
Reducing the dual threats of money laundering and payment fraud with open banking
ARTICLE Have you noticed small, unexplained card payments to your firm?
Fraudsters can use ‘pay online’ pages on law firm websites to test stolen credit and debit card information. If you allow anyone to pay through your website, you may be enabling card fraud.
PDF White Paper: Beyond Card Payments & Bank Transfers
Benefits of open banking for requesting and capturing payments for law firms
EXTERNAL Supplier Spotlight - Safe Capital
Safe Capital featured in Conveyancer Insights Supplier Spotlight
PDF Introducing SafePay - Beyond Card Payments
Advantages of SafePay Payments over Traditional Card Payments
PDF SRA Sectoral Risk Assessment - Anti-money laundering and terrorist financing : A summary
Read our summary of the SRA's latest AML Risk Assessment for the Legal Sector
WEBINAR Securing Client Funds
Open Banking Solutions for Fraud Prevention and Enhanced Compliance
ARTICLE Understanding A2A (Account-to-Account) Payments
Over the past few years, there has been a lot of discussion about A2A payments, which are known for being faster, safer, and cheaper.
ARTICLE Open Banking Payments vs Card Payments: A New Frontier in Payment Services
Traditional credit and debit card payments have been the common method for businesses and consumers to make payments. But open banking payments have emerged as a new alternative and are shaking things up.
ARTICLE Friday Afternoon Fraud: 5 Proactive Measures for Protecting Your Clients
In this article, we share five measures you can take to reduce the chances of a conveyancing matter being targeted by fraudsters.
ARTICLE Fraud Prevention: The Power of Open Banking for Law Firms
For law firms, the need to protect their firm and its clients from the risk of fraud is ever present. So how can you mitigate the risk?


© 2024 Luris Systems Ltd, trading as Safe Capital. Luris Systems Ltd is a limited company registered in England and Wales (registered number 15361556). Our registered office address is 41 Bridgeman Terrace, Wigan, England, WN1 1TT. Registered with the ICO (registration number ZB645907).

Safe Capital is powered by Moneyhub Financial Technology Limited who are authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority under the Payment Services Regulations 2017 for the provision of payment initiation and account information services (firm reference number 809360).

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